The Weather Day I Don’t Want

We don’t have a water cooler at the district office, and, if we did, it would probably be covered with a plastic bag and tape like all the other water fountains in the district because of, well, you know, the pandemic.

That said, the gossip around the figurative water cooler yesterday was all about today’s weather and if we’d be out of school because of it.

March is a funny time of the year.  Some schools around the United States are still experiencing weather days because of snow, but here in Alabama those days are typically behind us.  While we have had snow days in March before, our weather days this time of the year are usually for “severe weather” (read: tornadoes).

Today is just such a day.  Today’s risk level for where I live: “enhanced.” 

We haven’t always taken weather days for forecasted severe weather, and sometimes I talk to people who are just a bit (or a lot) incredulous that the district–much less the state–would shut things down for weather that hasn’t yet occurred.  

The answer to “why?” around these parts usually comes in the form of a date, and that date is April 27, 2011.  

Severe weather was forecasted that day, but I certainly don’t remember there being any talk of keeping kids home.  

What I do remember is huddling in the hallway as tornadoes (plural) moved within sight of our school.  I do remember taking a different route home that day because my normal one was blocked by fallen trees. I do remember finding a piece of mail in my front yard that evening.  It was an old Visa bill that belonged to one of those who lost his life that day; he lived nearly 100 miles away to the southwest of my home.

To quote from the National Weather Service website, “there were 29 confirmed tornadoes in Central Alabama on this day, and 62 confirmed tornadoes across the State of Alabama.”  It was a rough day.

It’s early as I’m posting this, and the day is ahead of us.  Be safe, everyone.

16 thoughts on “The Weather Day I Don’t Want”

  1. Stay safe, Tim. I’ll keep my eyes on the weather. Tornadoes are SCARY business. I remember when one touched down right near my school in Michigan. It was right as we were getting ready to dismiss the kids. We had to huddle in the coat room for nearly an hour. I’ll be thinking of you all!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lainie. It’s Wednesday evening as I’m typing this, and we’ve seen most of the bad stuff move a county or two south of us through the day. You’re right–tornadoes are scary business!


  2. I can’t even imagine what that day must have been like. Each time we do a drill at my school, I’m always thinking how slim the chances are of a catastrophe occurring. Thank you for the well needed reminder that they do occur, and so unexpectedly. Wishing you a very uneventful next few months. Please be safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The chatter, the contempt, the questioning and the explanation played out in this short retelling… Interesting. I didn’t know this was a thing.

    You have a knack for informing while storytelling. Nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my gosh, Tim. I’ve never experience a tornado; I’m terrified of the thought of them. Your 2011 experience sounds horrifying. Keeping my eye on Alabama and praying for you all!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I came back to this post to see where you are located…Alabama to my Louisiana. Some storm. The news was focused on Alabama where there were tornadoes. We’ll see today how it all panned out. We are safe. A few downed trees.

    Liked by 1 person

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