An Old Friend of Sorts

It’s the busy season for teachers, isn’t it?  As May gets underway, we’re preparing for the end-of-the-year everything: Report cards, parties, assessments, lessons, sanity savers…the list goes on.  In the busy-ness of things, it’s nice to have a moment of calm pop up every once in a while.

I oftentimes start my mornings in our school car-rider line, helping direct traffic and keep kids safe.  One of the bright spots of the spring (and there are many) is the first red-winged blackbird of the year.  They usually show up around late March, and I love it when I hear one sing his song to me after the months of absence.  I listened to one just this morning, and it inspired me to bring out this poem to go with my short introduction.

Red-winged Blackbird

It’s like seeing an old friend

Across a crowded room
Across a field at woods’ edge

You know his voice
before you recognize his face
You know his voice
before you see him, just a glance

His carriage, familiar in a subconscious way
His tipped head, bringing a smile to your face

Remembering the walks, the talks, the dialog
Knowing this time you’re only there to listen

A moment shared before good byes
A brief time, ending in a flash

of red. Until next time, old friend

7 thoughts on “An Old Friend of Sorts”

    1. It really is one of my favorite events. I love hearing songs that I haven’t heard in months as birds move into the area. Thank you for your comments!


  1. I always feel a stir of excitement when I hear its name– red-winged blackbird. I remember watching for them when I was a kid. They ranked right up there with the robins. But I liked their name better, much more colorful, almost mysterious. Thanks for stirring old memories. Nice poem!


    1. The name really is something, isn’t it? I’m tickled to hear you say that they seem mysterious–I feel the same way, but I can’t put “why” into words. Thank you for reading and your comments!

      Liked by 1 person

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