Another First for Me

The line, “This is it, people…this is what we’ve been training for our whole lives” ran through my head earlier today.  That’s rarely a good sign.

I’ll admit, I experienced a bit of trepidation as I cinched the straps on my book bag just a little bit tighter and held my stack of iPads just a little bit closer.  

With one last deep breath, I walked through the door of the kindergarten classroom.  

Now, I’ve taught in a kindergarten classroom plenty of times before, and I’ve taught the programming aspects of computer science plenty of times before.  Just never at the same time.

But, you know what?  It went well. Scaffolding, modeling, baby steps: call it what you will…we took things one slow step at a time.  There was exploration, there was excitement, there was a steady chorus of “Oh, wow!”

Tomorrow, I get to do it again in a different school.  I can’t wait!

5 thoughts on “Another First for Me”

  1. Your intro sets up such anticipation and immediately puts me in the moment, holding my breath along with you. Even as you tighten the straps and clung to the ipads, I wasn’t sure where this slice was headed. What a great way to draw your reader in.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I teach kindergarten and can appreciate you being scared to do something like that. Even after 5 years. My principal would be like why don;t you try this with them and I’d be like “are you nuts? They are 5 years old” But sometimes it works out great.. sounds like it did for you today! Good luck at your next school with your next crew of kinders

    Liked by 1 person

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