Just Look Down

It is an 

In-between time 

Where I live

Winter is probably over, but

Do not plant a garden since

Frost is probably not

Not for another month or so


Sometimes the day is cool followed by a day that is warm and

Sometimes the day is warm followed by a day that is cool



More often than not

Winds from the northeast having shifted from

Winds from the southwest


But there is color

Glorious color

All of it less than twelve inches off the ground


The daffodils–always faithful–have been here for weeks

Predictable in timing and location


Grape hyacinths 

Their slender stalks supporting clusters of luxurious purple


Early dandelions 

Hugging the ground with leaf and flower


So many more flowers

Their names unknown by me

So much more beauty

If one takes the time to look


Just look


10 thoughts on “Just Look Down”

  1. Yes! I keep seeing crocus flowers in the middle of yards – the purple and white – reminders that spring will come, that with time and patience we, together, will get through this “event”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the imagery in your spring poem! Oh, you are so far ahead of us! We have a few inches of green – tulips, daffodils, and daylilies. It is not unheard of to get frost and ice in March, so I am good with the slow growth for now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re at least month ahead of me. We still have quite a bit of snow, but I know it will be gone all of a sudden. We have the warm days followed by the cold followed by the warm. Our driveway is nearly bare but we still can’t quite see over the snow banks when we leave the driveway. I am so excited to see the early flowers start to pop up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t lived with that kind of weather since I was a kid growing up in Ohio. Here in Alabama we’re not safe from frost for a while, but there are enough spring-like days to know warmer weather is on its way!


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