
The bare branches of winter
begin to disappear
replaced by a hint of Frost’s first green

The trees silently taking their cues 
from the lengthening days

The equinox is here

35 thoughts on “Gold”

  1. The little hints of green are coming out on our cypress trees. Remind me of the name of this form. That final line punches and I want to shout Yes! I love spring!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Margaret, there’s something about the spring equinox that just lightens my heart–yes! If I wrote in a form, I have to confess that it was purely accidental. {smile}


    1. Thank you, Stacey. Our daffodils in the deep south have bloomed and already started to fade. They’re always a treat (my favorite), and I hope you enjoy yours when they get there!


  2. I am waiting for that hint of green but it’s warming up & snow melts. The trees are listening. I love the “silently taking their cues”! Happy Spring weekend, Tim!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a beautiful short ode to our natural world. Here’s one thought I can’t let go. I’m looking at “Frost’s first green.” My mind is thinking yeah, winter’s frost, but your poem also has such a Robert Frost sensibility to it. I don’t know if that’s your plan, but that’s where my mind went. Thank you for this slice today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Lainie! Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay” was the inspiration for this poem. Every year I get a little thrill when I see those first leaves emerge from their buds with that golden color. If I’m with someone, I have to pull out my phone to be able to recite the work, but if I’m alone I simply enjoy the sight.

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      1. Funny you should mention, because that is EXACTLY where my mind went when I read this poem. All of which is to say, YES. Your readers (at least this reader!) got what you were going for.

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  4. Working on the phenology video today…your poem says it all. We are seeing little signs here – some of my tulips have peeked through the mulch with foliage and there are buds on our maple trees. Days are longer and warmer. Thanks for sharing your spring.

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    1. Spring here in the south is in full swing (don’t even think about planting a garden, though–many a southerner’s heart has been broken that way), and I’m loving the signs as they each come. Our grape hyacinths have made their appearance, and our daffodils are fading. Summer will be here before we know it. I’m still excited about the video!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You make me laugh with the “don’t even think about planting a garden!” I can tell you are loving spring from your posts. They are filled with seasonal joy! I cannot wati to have my daffodils pop up! They are my favorite of spring bulbs. I am not good at starting seeds but what did I buy the other day…seeds for some vegetables. My heart will probably be broken too, but I like the though of it, anyway. Enjoy the spring …. I imagine it gets hot fast!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My gardening heart has been broken, but this year is going to be different for both of us! I have been enjoying the spring, and today was a beautiful day. You and a few others crossed my mind earlier this evening as I was writing tomorrow’s slice–I hope you’re able to see it.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks, Tim. So are you going to start a garden? I have not yet started my seeds…you really cannot put anything in the ground here until Memorial Day weekend as far as annuals or vegetable seedlings due to our climate. So, I figure if I get them started by next week, I am still dealing with a good 8 weeks indoors. I will definitely read your post today. I usually go looking for your post, if I don’t see it when I post on TWT/Slice. Thanks for the heads up!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. We will. We’re always late doing so, but we will. The air is warm, but the ground is still cold, so it will be at least a few weeks. (To make matters worse, we could see up to 10″ of rain this week!)

        Liked by 1 person

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