Picnic Table

A picnic table sits beneath a spreading white oak tree
just outside the building where I spend many of my days 
extending an unspoken invitation to all who walk past it.

Perched on a slight incline, it is bathed in deep, cool shade, and 
a breeze has, more often than not, accepted the invitation
and it, in turn, entreats passersby to do the same.

Were it not for the heavy chain tethering the table so close 
that the tree itself takes two of the end seats 
that haven on the hill would be perfect.

Enjoy the table, but don’t steal it.  Things are complicated.

Draft, May 2021

24 thoughts on “Picnic Table”

    1. It is a strange message, indeed. I really do understand the need to keep things from being stolen, but it’s still strange. Along those lines, today I saw a house with four signs spaced along the sidewalk: “Live,” “Laugh,” “Love,” and “No Trespassing.” Hmmm.


  1. Love how you weave all those inviting sensory details making me want to sit and sip my water on that table until I read your ending…then I had a ‘chain reaction’. Fabulous poem, Tim. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What I imagine is that those ‘powers’ with the chain clearly haven’t been by in a while with the seats missing. Your poem takes one place and turns it into a starring role, Tim. (And more with a tree, too!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely poem with quite an unexpected ending – chains and all. It must be a coveted table and/or a coveted spot that demands a spot to sit – thus the table! As always you created this poem with a sense of humor and a keen eye for observation! Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like that a breeze has “accepted the invitation.” (Wouldn’t you think a picnic table would be too big to steal? I guess people have a lot of ingenuity with their thievery…if only they could put that toward learning to make one!)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You set such a beautiful metaphorical (and literal!) table for us, spread out among the trees. It’s a gesture of bounty, of welcome, of generosity. But…don’t feel too welcome.

    Sigh. People mess things up sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We people do, indeed. I looked at that table just today, and found that I had a different attitude that leaned more toward gratitude. The lawn guy might not like it, but I also stretched that chain all the way out! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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